简单地说,自行车攀爬就是骑自行车,用技巧和平衡,过各种不同类形的人工或天然障碍物,是少数非竞速自行车项目之一。技术主要包括在不同车速情况下的平衡和跳高,跳远。国际自行车障碍赛联盟(BikeTrial International Union)对自行车攀爬比赛的定义是"车手骑自行车根据判断和平衡,用各种技巧以达到在尽量短的时间里通过指定障碍区并尽量避免身体和障碍物及地面接触,以避免被罚分。这种自行车比赛就是自行车攀爬比赛"。英文原文:
BikeTrial is an individual sport that incorporates the use of a special bicycle which the rider must maneuverand balance on in order complete specially desinged artificial or natural "section".The objective is pass through the sections in minimum time and with as little physical contact with the ground as possible, hence obtaining minimum penalty points.---BikeTrial International Union